5 Prayer Points for Families

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Family is the basic unit of society and a representation of what the family of God looks like.

family prayer points

Sometimes families go through issues that threaten to tear them apart. They don’t always know how to resolve their issues and some end up hurting others.

The Bible has many promises that will help families form a strong bond and allow God to help them through difficulties.

When each member of the family opens their heart to God, he can work his healing in each one. A healthy family leads to a healthy society that becomes a pleasant place for everyone.

The 5 prayer points below will help you develop healthier families

#1 God’s Healing For Every Family Member

There are times family members hurt each other with their words. Unfortunately once a person says hurtful things to another, they can’t take back their words.

If a family member takes action that complicates the lives of the others, it can cause hatred, bitterness, anger, and vengefulness. God wants to heal all these things and bring wholeness to the heart of every family member.

God cares about those who have a broken heart and whose spirits have been crushed by the insensitivity of others.

psalm 44:18 bible verse

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

Ask God to heal every member of your family and to make their hearts whole again. That they will be able to open their hearts and trust others again. Pray that they will not harbor ill will against others.

If there is any member of the family with a disease, illness or any other physical condition, pray for healing. God wants everyone to experience health in their bodies and has already sent his healing word (Psalm 107:2).

psalm 107:2 bible verse

Let the redeemed by Yahweh say so, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the adversary, Psalm 107:2

Pray for relief from the symptoms of disease and restoration of body organs and tissues. Ask God to give those who are sick the faith to receive their healing.

Pray for healing from hurtful words and actions. That God may neutralize the effects of words that others spoke in anger and the pain they brought to the affected person.

Ask God to heal family members from the insensitive or calculated actions that led to hurt and brokenness. God’s healing power can penetrate the deepest of emotional wounds in a person.   

#2 Each Family Member Will Have A Heart Of Forgiveness

God forgave our sins when we accepted Christ as Lord. He showed us how to forgive others and he helps us when we struggle to forgive.

When we don’t forgive others, we block the flow of love from each other. Families have a hard time getting along when they won’t forgive each other. Forgiveness opens the door for God to bring healing into one’s heart.

When we forgive others we give God the chance to cleanse us from our unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

1 john 1:9 bible verse

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us the sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Pray for God to give your family members the grace to forgive each other. Forgiveness is a decision they make but it is a journey, not a one time event.

Ask God to show them where they have not forgiven each other and the offenses they are carrying in their hearts.

People sometimes have offenses hidden deep in their hearts and need the help of the Holy Spirit in unearthing them.

There is no limit as to how many times we can forgive each other. Jesus said that we ought to forgive seventy times seven times, meaning as many times as your brother offends you.

Jesus said to him, “I don’t tell you until seven times, but, until seventy times seven. Matthew 18:22

Ask God to give your family members the grace to forgive each other and hold any grudges.   

Pray for God to remove any bitterness in their hearts and to turn them away from vengefulness.

Ask God to help your family members to bear with each other knowing that nobody is perfect. We are to extend grace to others and treating them how we would like them to treat us.

#3 Strengthening The Bond Of Love Between Family Members

God expects us to love one another and this applies for family, friends and others we interact with out there. As a loving Father, God has shown us how to love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

Love keeps the family together and ensures each family member is nurtured and cherished.  

Underlying issues that families have not resolved can erode love and create distance between members.

Pray that God will fill the heart of each family member with love and concern for the others.

That he will show them how to love according to his word and teach them his ways of showing love.

Ask the Father to help them differentiate between worldly love and biblical love and to choose the latter.

Ask God to help each family member abide by Christ always as that is how they will be able to love others. That Christ’s command to love one another will rule in their hearts every day and in every situation.

John 15:12 bible verse

This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. John 15:12

When we receive God’s love through Christ, we can love even those we consider unlovable.

Pray that as God’s chosen people, your family members will show compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience to one another.

They will bear with each other and forgive and put on love always (Colossians 3:12-14).

Pray that love will guide their actions and conversations and be a part of their everyday lives. May the love they have for one another keep them together always with no room for hatred. As long as they keep their eyes on God, they will love like he does.

#4 Prosperity Of The Family

God has a plan for each family on earth and wants them to succeed in staying together and nurturing one another.

His plan is to prosper each family member and to secure their future (Jeremiah 29:11).

When families prosper, they don’t lack anything and they can be a blessing to others who are less fortunate.

Pray that God will prosper the work of each family member. God has given each one the ability to produce wealth and he points them to opportunities to do meaningful work.

Ask that everyone’s job or business will have God’s blessing and will be a blessing to others out there (Deuteronomy 12:7).

May their light shine wherever they work and draw others closer to God.

Pray for God to reveal his purpose for each family member so that they will be busy with God’s work all their lives.

For those who know their purpose that they will soldier on and will not quit when thing get tough.

Petition the Father to give everyone in your family godly opportunities that will bring prosperity into their lives and those around them. That they will discern those from God and those that aren’t.

Pray for the wisdom to know how to handle the work that God gives each family member (James 1:5).

Ask God to protect your family from the love of money and the eagerness to get rich.

These two things can plunge them into ruin and many unnecessary sorrows. Pray that their hearts will focus on serving God first knowing he will reward them for their efforts.

#5 Good Stewardship

As each member of a family, God has called us to be good stewards of the people and things he has placed in our hands. Whether it’s time, money, love, material possessions, or other things, we are to steward them according to God’s word.

God wants us to be stewards of his grace and gifts as we serve others (1 Peter 4:10).

Pray that God will help each of your family members to steward their time well. There is a lot they can accomplish when they allocate sufficient time for all they must do in a given day.

Ask God to keep them away from distractions and things that take their attention from him.

Ask God to help each member steward their finances well. That they will have wisdom when they spend their money and remember to give to others.

Where they lack wisdom in money management, that God will lead them to resources that will help them. Pray that they will keep away from dishonest money because it will be quickly gone (Proverbs 13:10).

Pray that those leading families will steer them in the right direction. They will lead their families toward God and his purposes for them. That they will lead with wisdom, honesty and integrity.

They will make decisions that are selfless and good for all family members and respect each as a unique individual.


There are many other things that you can pray over your family. Ask God to show you what to pray for each member and your family as a whole.

He wants to do a lot in and through every member and draw them closer to himself.

The Bible also has many promises that you can declare over your family and see God transform their hearts. This will build the bond of unity in your home and make it a place of love and peace that each member enjoys daily.

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