Prayer For Hope

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Words Of Encouragement

Have you ever found yourself pondering life, and what purpose you have in it? Why are you here on this earth? 

Is your hope resting on finding love and security through another person or in how much money you have?

When asking yourself this question, odds are that you are going to seek validation and answers through many worldly means if you are not a child of God. The world is ready to gobble you up out there when you seek to understand your purpose on earth. Cults and gangs love to ravage victims that are seeking purpose.

There is only one place to find the answer you seek, and that’s God. God created you and formed you. He knows the number of hairs that are on your head and your thoughts before you think them. He will show you why He created you and why you are on this earth.

Until we accept Christ as our savior, we do not know what true hope is. As believers, our hope comes from knowing that we have a place for us reserved in heaven. Jesus died on the cross for our sins to give us that hope.

So many unsaved people wander aimlessly through life, placing what they perceive as hope in material things and in people. They never get to experience the beautiful gift of hope that can only come from God.

When we become a child of God, our sense of hope shines brightly. This hope is contagious to others around you. As your beacon of hope grows brighter, so too will your desire to serve God and others. You will find that through doing these things, your sense of purpose becomes clear.

Imagine how amazing the feeling would be to have this special hope!

Prayer For Hope 

Heavenly Father,

I lack the hope that can only come from you.

Forgive me for seeking that hope from things of this earth.

My own understanding of hope is limited to my thinking and the things I seek validation from. I long to feel a deep sense of purpose to cling to.

Father, I open my heart to you and ask that you save me from this world and the evil that seeks to devour me.

I know you sent your only son to die on the cross to save me from sin. I want to have a place in heaven to have eternal life.

Please open my eyes and heart to reveal to me that which I need to see and understand.

Bathe my spirit in hope and help me to keep my eyes on the things above and not on this earth. 

Lord, create change in me and give my heart a burning passion to not only serve you but commit to serving others.

I give myself fully and completely to you.

Show me your plan for my life and enable me to follow the path you set before me.

Thank you, Father.

I pray in Jesus’ name - amen.

Prayer For Hope #2

Precious Heavenly Father,

I pray for hope.

This world seems to be getting darker and darker every day, with no light in sight.

Jesus, help me to remember that you are the light.

Remind me that things won’t be like this forever.

One day, there will be an end to all this pain and suffering.

Just help me to trust that you are good, and that you are preparing a place of eternal glory for all who put their faith in you. 

I pray this in your holy name, 


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