Christmas Prayers to Bless Your Holiday Season

It’s Christmas time and everyone is geared up to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with family and friends.

Travel arrangements are in high gear so as not to miss the opportunity to connect with those we don’t see often.

Christmas is a time to rest and reconnect with loved ones.

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For many, this is the time they get to take leave from official duties and travel home.

Prayers for a Blessed and Joyful Holiday Season Pin

Others see it as a time to bless the less fortunate and give gifts to those in hospitals, children’s homes or visit senior citizens.

As you plan your Christmas, pray over every event, activity or gathering during this holiday season. Prayer changes things.

Instead of worrying about how to make it through Christmas without feeling overwhelmed, take everything to God in prayer.

This will free you to make your plans with a mind and heart filled with peace.

Below are Christmas prayers to bless your holiday season.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;​

Christmas Eve Prayer

Christmas Eve Prayer

Lord, I thank you for I can look forward to celebrating Christmas tomorrow. Bless all my plans this Christmas Eve as I prepare what my family and I need to enjoy our time together.

Watch over us this evening as we attend the Christmas service or gather in your name.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.   

Christmas Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, I praise you for giving us a Savior to redeem our lives and give us eternal life.

Bless this day and everything I shall do to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. May my family and I have a good time as we share food, gifts and laughter.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Christmas Dinner Prayer

Christmas Dinner Prayer

Lord, thank you for the food before us this Christmas evening. Bless it and may it nourish our bodies and its representation bless our spirits.

I am grateful that you provided everything needed for its preparation.

Bless all involved in cooking and serving the delicious meal too. May we enjoy it.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Prayer for the Unfortunate During Christmas Season

Lord, you are a loving God who cares about your creation. Today I ask that you provide the less fortunate with something to smile about this Christmas season.

May you send your hands and feet to bless them today with everything they need. Let them rejoice in your Christmas goodness and offer prayers of appreciation for life’s gifts and experiences.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Christmas Family Prayer

Christmas Family Prayer

Lord, you are the one who settles people in families and I am blessed to have one.

May your blessing be upon each member of my family. May we all get the chance to gather this Christmas and bond.

Heal any broken relationships and fill our hearts with your love.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Christmas Joy Prayer

Lord, may we experience the joy of the Holy Spirit this Christmas. Let every moment and occasion be joyful and each heart filled with gladness.

May we focus on the positive and not the negative as we gather with family and friends. Fill us with the Christmas spirit of joy.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Christmas Grace Prayer

Christmas Grace Prayer

Lord, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ whose birth we are celebrating on Christmas day.

May you fill my heart with your grace to show kindness and compassion to others, even the less fortunate.

Pour out the grace of Jesus Christ in each heart in my family during Christmas.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Abundant Joy During Christmas Prayer

Abundant Joy During Christmas Prayer

Lord, you gave joy to the world when you sent Jesus to reconcile us to you. When we remain in Christ, our joy is complete.

Let the fullness of your abundant joy fill the air as we celebrate Christmas and into the new year. My heart rejoices in you today.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Humble Christmas Prayer

Righteous Father, I walk in humility during this Christmas season just like Jesus did. Give me the grace that you give to the humble.

I will humble myself this holiday season and share your blessings with all who cross my path, not thinking I am better than any of them.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Keeping Christmas Simple Prayer

Lord, help me keep Christmas activities and gatherings simple and avoid unnecessary complications.

Teach me how to create a simple plan for all the things I want to do during Christmas.

Show me how to leave room to have fun and not burden myself with preparations that are time consuming.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Thankful for the Birth of Jesus Christ Prayer

Thankful for the Birth of Jesus Christ Prayer

Loving Father, thank you for the birth of a Savior who has brought freedom to this world. I give you the glory for the gift of Jesus and because of him, I can live the abundant life you planned for me.

Thank you for your greatest act of love to mankind.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Thankful During Christmas Prayer

Lord, I am thankful for Christmas day because I get to spend it with my family and friends.

I thank you for my family, the food you have given us and the gifts I will receive.

My heart bubbles with gratitude for your love which I get to share with others.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Safe Travels During Christmas

Prayer For Safe Travels During Christmas

Heavenly Father, you always watch over us because you never sleep or slumber.

Watch over every family member that has to travel this Christmas season. Protect them from accidents and incidents as they make it home for this joyous occasion.

Send your angels to watch over us as we travel.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Christmas Reunion Prayer

Lord, bind us together in love as we reunite to celebrate Christmas. Gather us together, even those we have not seen in a long while.

Be in our midst and give us a spirit of unity and love. May our reunion leave us with fond memories we will always cherish.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Provision During Christmas Prayer

Lord, you are our provider. Please provide us with everything we need to make Christmas a time to remember.

Fill our lives with abundance and every good thing that makes Christmas special. Provide for the homeless too. Let them not lack anything from food to fun and everything in between.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Release From Work During Christmas Prayer

Lord, it can be hard sometimes to get off work to celebrate Christmas. I pray that you would release all my family members from duties this Christmas so they can come home.

May you lay it in their bosses’ hearts to give them time off so they can enjoy Christmas.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Peace During Christmas Prayer

Peace During Christmas Prayer

Lord, you are the God of peace and tranquility. Give us your peace over the Christmas holidays and let your peace be upon our family.

May we embrace your peace and share it with others regardless of our differences. Remove anything in our midst that is likely to cause strife.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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